Monday, May 4, 2009

Rock N Roll!

One of my favorite stamp companies, Stampsmith, just came out with a great new sheet called Rock N Roll. It features photo-realistic stamps of some of my all time favorites: John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin. If that isn't great enough, these fabulous stamps were hand carved by someone I know from my yahoo groups. Estrella Bianchi is a wonderful artist and these stamps just knock my socks off! I am slowly working my way through the sheet. Well, not too slowly. I just started yesterday! I still haven't done a card with John's image yet, but am very happy with my Jimi, Jim, and Janis creations.


  1. All of these cards are fabulous - I love the way that the edges look burned around the edge of Jim Morrison, and the dog-tag at his side.

  2. Oh WOW!! Great Findings for my(little bit) hippie it:)
    Great Review,looking up asap!

  3. we are so in tune!!!!!!!!!!! these are FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!
    They knew how to make music!!!
    I have a brain that is reeling with all my favorites playing at the same time.I remember exactly where I was and whatI was doing when each one tragically died...I still have their ALBUMS..which,I have to say,are much better than on DVD..DVD just doesn't give that same sound.


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