Thursday, October 14, 2010

For Sherry

We interrupt our regularly scheduled cruise blog posts to let you know about a wonderful blog hop.  Now, I'm usually one for avoiding these things, as most involve leaving multiple comments, searching for clues and otherwise jumping through hoops.  This one is the exception, for it not only honors my good friend Sherry, who as the logo announces, is most definitely kicking cancer's ass, but is also simple to navigate and will lead you to some awesome art.
I met Sherry on last year's cruise and sure did miss her this year.  But she was home in California, healing from her recent double mastectomy, and just got the GREAT news that she will not have to undergo chemo or radiation therapy.  YEA, Sherry!!!
While I was cruising, Linda (of Compendium of Curiosities Challenge fame) organized a Warrior Woman blog hop, not just in Sherry's honor, but also to remind us all to self examine and get that dreaded but necessary yearly mammography.
I had mine just days before I left, and returned home to the wonderful news that the results were negative.  
Click on the logo to be taken to Linda's blog and find out more about this hop and the other bloggers who are participating.  There are just a few and their creations are amazing, so I urge you to visit.  Yes, there is blog candy to be had, but also an important message and some really good art.
If you decide to create something as well there is a flickr page to upload your piece, so you don't even need to be a blogger to participate.
For Sherry, I made this Warrior Woman doll.  It started out in life as an unfinished wood piece, and I hope Sherry likes it.

 (the flower was made from tissue tape with a technique I just learned from Tim on the cruise)
(right above it, the apron was made from half a rosette, which I also learned to love on the cruise)
(the face is an Invoke Arts stamp; her "hair" is part of a rosette cut from Ten Seconds Studio metal; the wings I found on ebay; the pink necklaces seed beads I had in my stash; the fabric around this warrior's waist is from the bag of fabric strips I acquired on the cruise)


  1. What a great thing to do!
    Love it!

  2. Eileen, I LOVE this! What a wonderful piece of art!
    And thank you for helping spread the word of the blog hop & Sherry's battle!

  3. Well worth interrupting your cruise log for!

  4. What a lovely work of art. Love that flower. I have a friend who is a breast cancer survivor and so was my great grandmother. So I think this is a wonder cause.

  5. Looks AWESOME!!!!! And I love the reason for the blog hop!!

  6. Very cool look! Sherry is gonna love it. Love that you gave us a peek at what's next in Tim's box of tricks. I can't wait to learn how to make the tissue tape flowers ;-)
    Vicki B in OP NY

  7. Eileen - you are awesome! That is wonderful news about Sherry - I'm so very happy for her and a wonderful reason for a blog hop! Love your piece and can't wait to learn the newest tricks! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Love it, great work for a great cause! Needless to say, I need to get off my arse and do something. All this wonderful art are hard acts to follow! Love the tissue tape flower...

  9. This awesome Warrior Doll just touched my heart and my prayers and thoughts have been with Sherry. I know this means so very much to her. You go girl! Diann

  10. Your warrior woman doll is WONDERFUL!! You Rock and So does our Sherry :)

  11. Hi Eileen,
    First, LOVE your new profile pic- Go Mojitos!
    I adore your warrior art doll. I jyst made a few art dolls and posted them on my blog. I am thoroughly enjoying
    your cruise experience. I can't wait to see you in March!


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