Sunday, July 31, 2011

More Journal Pages

In addition to the many collaborative art journals I've worked in and continue to be a part of (and some new ones that haven't started yet), I recently began a smaller project....two art friends and I are trading journals back and rigid time lines or rules or themes.  When we get a journal, either our own or one of the others', we do one page, two, whatever comes to mind.  I'm enjoying this a lot; in my previous round robins there could be 15 or more participants, and everyone works in each journal once.  It has taken as long as 18 months for a journal to return home.  Very exciting, but a long wait.  In this one, with only three of us, we see our own journals regularly, work in them too, and I love that.

Here are some pages I've just completed.  In the first two I altered photocopied images with one of my favorite supplies, Portfolio Water Soluble Oil Pastels, and then used several stencils and paint over sections.

Close ups of each page:

In the next journal I raided my favorite scrap box and used bits and pieces left over from previous work, and some phrases from magazines I've been collecting.

The background, which is mostly covered was done with metallic paint (the very cheapest kind you can sometimes find at Michael's for way under a dollar a bottle) and stencils.  Close ups:

Although the pages in each journal are very different they all do reflect where I was at the time.  Though I have enjoyed working in themed books, there is something very liberating about just doing whatever comes to mind at the moment.


  1. All I can say is WOW! These look amazing

  2. I love how you just let yourself go, artwise and flow with the process. Good mental therapy for now, too, isn't it! Gorgeous and rich with color and detail, Eileen.
    XXO Gina G

  3. I ditto Tammy's thoughts- AMAZING!! *Hugs*

  4. These are great, Eileen. You've given these your own unique spin. Love the colors, too.

  5. Of course I had to look. These pages are awesome. I love that they capture a moment in your life--the very essence of a journal. I can't wait to find out which one is mine.

  6. These are, of course, awesome! Whomever you are trading with is very lucky! Fantastic!

  7. I love these pages Eileen. Yes, these journals are always fund to do. I see Lynne's influence in these pages too!!!

  8. I discovered "art journaling" about 3 yrs. ago. Wow, i love your pages. I bet it is fun to swap out with a few people. Sounds fun:)


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